Our organization performs statutory and voluntary audits to express an opinion on annual or interim financial statements prepared in accordance with the relevant accounting standards (OIC, IFRS, US GAAP, etc.). Audits are conducted based on International Standards on Auditing (ISA) and include checks on business processes and existing control procedures. KRESTON REVICOM offers:
Specific interventions aimed at conducting a preliminary analysis of the company’s internal control system, the application of accounting standards, and other useful information to identify potential issues before a full audit begins.
The extent of the verification work depends on the objectives set by the client’s instructions, in cases where auditors are not required to apply all the procedures of a full audit. The auditor’s report will indicate the results without providing an opinion on the financial statements.
Analysis of internal control systems, risk identification, and process evaluation. Verification of the adequacy of control structures (e.g., D.Lgs. 231/2001, Sarbanes-Oxley), technical-methodological support for recalculating financial statement entries, and risk management evaluation.
Support for:
Consultancy services related to major transactions and solutions for corporate crises in compliance with the Corporate Crisis Code.
Internal control assessments to evaluate fraud risk and anti-fraud programs, as well as checks for anti-money laundering compliance (evaluation of “as-is” procedures and gap analysis).
Extensive experience in M&A transactions, strategic, financial, and tax analysis, support in negotiations and documentation drafting, Business Due Diligence, Business Planning, and Valuation.
Our support includes:
Tax & Fiscal Advisory: